About the Course
This written composition course helps young writers with revising their own writing, which is one of the most difficult tasks in the writing process. The lessons encompass four over-arching areas of revision: organization, clarity, content and flow.
We'll focus on literary elements that can enhance writing, such as figurative language, word choice, voice, character development, tone, and sentence complexity. The task of revising is broken down into discrete components that make the revising process clear, specific, and understandable.
In Written Composition, students learn:
The structures of descriptive, narrative, process, compare and contrast, and persuasive paragraphs
To enhance the quality of their paragraphs; and
To edit and revise paragraphs
Your Instructor
Trisha Clerk
I received extensive training from the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) and Neuhaus Education Center (Bellaire, TX) in Reading Readiness, Basic Language Skills (Advanced), Developing Metacognitive Skills, Written Composition, Multisensory Grammar, and Scientific Spelling. Additionally, I completed Region IV in Reading by Design modules. To assist students whose first language isn't English, I studied Words of our World (WOW) and WELLS 3 programs, which are transition to English programs to provide a systematic and explicit approach for teaching English language and literacy skills to Spanish-speaking English language learners.